Sunday, January 24, 2010

Smacked with a bible while I wasn't looking.

Yesterday while I was perusing the mall with my friend Dana, we came across a vendor that had some spectacular looking sweets. I'm simply not one to pass up sweets so of course we stopped. Dipped rice crispy treats, yummy  caramel pretzels, s'mores it was wonderful. I made my purchases and as I was leaving the gentleman who was running the booth insisted I get a bag for my purchases. Ok, fine. Away we went. Later that night as I was unpacking my purchases I discover a little book in with my sweets. It was "The Way, a pocket testament". That's right, I was bible slammed and I didn't even know it.
Does that actually work? Do people suddenly find the lord because a bible is thrown in with there purchase? Well, it does the opposite to me. I detest people trying to convert me every time my back is turned. I detest people coming to my house to tell me, I'm wrong and they are right. I simply despise the concept that people must harass others in order to 'spread the word'. I don't try to convert you so leave me the hell alone!
From a business perspective, that is not a good way to run a business. You will turn away a lot of good paying customers because of it. People are buying your product not your religion. Don't get me wrong, I am not anti-christian or anti-any religion. We live in a world of thousands of religions and spiritualities as individual as the people who believe in them. I just don't like feeling that everyone has an ulterior motive to try and harass me out of my beliefs, you can't. My beliefs are personal, they are mine. My way is not the only way or the right way, it's just my way.
By the way, my friend dana, did NOT receive one. Apparently, I'm special. I won't be buying from them again and that's sad, they had some good treats.

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